Healing Our Political And Societal Divides

Seeing the source of alienation and separation are the key steps to individual, national and international cooperation.

Healing OurSocial and Political DividesA pervasive lack of psychological and emotional awareness in our political discourse and social beliefs is standing in the way of solving the crises that cur­rently imperil our democracy and undermine humanity’s efforts to stem prejudice of all kinds, justice, equality and global deterioration.

The stakes are monumental and are worsening with each day as evidenced by personal and political alienation, economic inequality, global warming, and corruption on corporate and governmental levels.

While most can intellectually see and feel anxious about these outcomes, some of us are not yet motivated to make mean­ingful changes, and many feel shackled by not knowing what to do. Our government is not currently equipped to respond quickly. We are mired and paralyzed in reactive, di­visive attitudes and actions that are dedicated to maintaining a dangerous status quo (or an ineffectual resistance against it). We also fail to value the power of seeing and responding to our own unconscious drives and reactions that can all too often mushroom into highly toxic outcomes. 

A Psycho-Political lens can help us psychologically understand how to make practical changes towards healing our society from the inside out.

 Gaining a basic understanding of how psychology plays out in politics and economics is the ground stage for a making a greater positive shift. 

Today more than ever, we need clear steps to foster safety, peace and cooperation simultaneously at home and abroad. A psycho-political lens can help us psychologically understand the cause of present danger and make practical changes towards healing our society from the inside out.

The first principle of Psycho-Politics centers on becoming aware of our overwhelming tendency to make distrust, fear, anger and other challenging feelings the responsibility of others.

The second principle has us look at our personal core identity from a place of depth, examining how our lives are primarily focused on protecting self and family with min­imal caring toward the disempowered.

The third principle is to recognize the need for us to be in an ongoing state of inquiry or questioning in our lives.

We need to embrace a healthy self-doubt rooted in a passionate curiosity to discover what limits our capacity to be generous toward ourselves and the world and move in a healing direction.


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